Our Eye Care Practice in Cloverdale, BC

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From Our Family to Yours

We’re a family-owned and operated practice built on the foundation of providing outstanding service to patients of all ages. We believe in the importance of careful and thorough service, a great selection of brands and a personalized touch to make sure your eyewear suits your personality.

We want you to feel comfortable with us and trust that we are giving you accurate and detailed information regarding your eye health. If we notice something concerning, we will always work with you to ensure you’re fully informed and that you leave with an effective treatment or management plan.

We offer comprehensive eye exams for the whole family, emergency eye care, disease diagnosis and management, and more. If you’re looking for a new pair of glasses, we also offer a wide selection of specialty lenses, designer frames, safety eyewear, and contact lenses.

We are here to serve by providing excellent vision care while helping people feel confident in the way they look.

We hope to see you soon! Please book your appointment today.

Meet Your Eye Care Team


Dr. Jason Naidu



Panna Karia


Nick Karia

Licensed Optician


Bonny Kelly

Where to Find Us

Our optometry clinic is located in Clover Square Village, close to No Frills and Pizza Hut, right in the heart of Cloverdale, Surrey, BC. Our family has been serving the Surrey Area for over 20 years, and we would love to see you soon.

Our Address

17700 56 Ave #110
Surrey, BC V3S 1C7

Contact Information

Phone: 604-574-7775

Our Hours

10 AM6 PM
10 AM7 PM
10 AM6 PM
10 AM6 PM
9 AM4 PM

Our Eye Care Services

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