Contact Lens Exams, Fittings, & Brands in Cloverdale, BC

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Achieve Comfort and Clarity with Contact Lenses

Contact lenses can be a great alternative to glasses for those looking for flexibility. Although contacts don’t necessarily mean you’ll be entirely free from eyeglasses, there are many different types and brands to suit different eyes, needs, and lifestyles. Do you have astigmatism or need bifocals? We have a contact lens for that!

Because contacts sit directly on the eye, a contact lens exam and fitting is essential before jumping onto the contact lens train. Some risks and conditions make contact lenses unsuitable for some eyes, so we offer comprehensive exams and fittings to find and fit the right lenses for your eye health and lifestyle.

If we determine that you aren’t a good candidate for contacts, for whatever reason, we will find the right corrective solution for you.

The Contact Lens Exam

Our contact lens exams follow the same process as our regular, comprehensive exams, but focus on your cornea and other aspects specific to contact lens use. Because contacts fit differently than glasses, your contact lens prescription differs from your eyeglass prescription.

During this exam, we’ll determine if your eyes are healthy enough to support the frequent use of contact lenses. For example, those with chronic eye infections, allergies, or work in dirty and dusty environments, may not benefit from wearing contacts. We will be able to discuss your unique situation and provide recommendations during the exam.

If you already wear contacts, we’ll use this time to assess the fit of your current contacts and discuss how they’re working for you. If indicated, we may recommend a different type of lens or adjust your prescription.

The Contact Lens Fitting

For all new contact lens wearers, a fitting is included in your contact lens exam. During this time, we will measure your cornea and find the proper contact lens fit for your eyes. We will also show you how to insert and remove your lenses, care for them properly, and send you home with a trial pair.

This process takes about an hour, but you will receive all the information you need to be a happy and healthy contact lens wearer.

Contact Lens Brands

We carry a selection of the top brands of contact lenses, including Acuvue, Cooper Vision, and Alcon. We’re confident we can help you find the perfect lens for you.

If you wear contacts or would like to learn more about contact lenses, please book your appointment today. We’re excited to show you the possibilities of contact lens use!

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The options are nearly endless when it comes to ACUVUE® brand contact lenses – the #1 contact lens brand in the world. Long-lasting comfort and clear vision can be yours with a contact lens in the ACUVUE® brand family.

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Alcon has one mission: to provide innovative products that enhance quality of life by helping people see better. Alcon is uniquely poised to serve every contact lens wearer by addressing the full life cycle of their needs.

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For the first time, Asahi Lite, the original creator of 1.60, 1.67, and 1.74 lenses, is launching it’s Premium line of Rx, Finished, and Semi-Finished lenses in North America. We are a full-service eyeglass lens manufacturer with decades of experience, providing you with quality, innovative eyeglass lenses without all of the layers.

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Cooper Vision

We create and execute innovation that is unmatched in the contact lens industry. There’s much more to our story than that, however. In fact, you’ll find that what sets us apart is how we approach our business. We collaborate. We listen. And, we enjoy what we do.

Where to Find Us

Our optometry clinic is located in Clover Square Village, close to No Frills and Pizza Hut, right in the heart of Cloverdale, Surrey, BC. Our family has been serving the Surrey Area for over 20 years, and we would love to see you soon.

Our Address

17700 56 Ave #110
Surrey, BC V3S 1C7

Contact Information

Phone: 604-574-7775

Our Hours

10 AM6 PM
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9 AM4 PM

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